The 'free fly' system that flips the seats upside down is designed to give riders the feeling of weightlessness as they are thrown around the track independently of their direction of movement. 自由飞翔系统可将座位倒转,并让其跟随轨道方向独立翻转,为乘客营造出一种失重的感觉。
It is extremely sturdy to the point of feeling a bit overbuilt for the weight of the device suspended, but the overall user experience is of well-built solidity and graceful movement. Flote非常坚固,以至于让人觉得这款装置相对于其支撑的设备的重量来说显得用力过度,但整体的使用体验很好,精致可靠,而且能够顺畅地移动。
So we're trying to create a feeling of boat movement. 我地尝试制造船只郁动的感觉。
For this had been an adventure, not a holiday; exposed and vulnerable on a bike, a part of the landscape through which you travel, it brings a real feeling of achievement, of movement, of survival. 这是一次真正的探险,而不是一般的度假,骑在摩托车上,整个人暴露无遗,容易受伤,你和脚下的路融合在一起,成为风景的一部分。
The results reveal that it can help divers to establish the "feeling of touching water" earlier, shorten the training period of splash-eliminating movement and enhance success rate to guide experimental training with the above theory and method. 结果表明:用撞揉结合的压水花理论和方法指导实验训练,能够更快地帮助运动员建立水感,缩短压水花动作的训练周期,提高成功率。
First, from the reading feeling of Luling's novel, such as the sense of drawing and the sense of music to search out the style and the structure of the emotional movement. 第一章:从路翎文本的阅读感受:绘画感、音乐感透视文本背后作者的情感运动的方式、结构。
SPORT FEELING The movement of 2001 shows that the area around Dai county is the boundary area for differential movement. 2001年的运动显示,代县附近是差异活动的分界区段。
Feeling is important researching task in the field of movement. 情绪是运动领域的一个重要研究课题。
After six cases of the local scleroderma were treated by externally applying earthworm extract for 3 months, the sclerotic spots obviously got spot and the feeling of movement handicap basically disappeared. 用地龙提取液外搽治疗局限性硬皮病6例,3个月后硬斑均明显软化,活动障碍感基本消失。
On the other hand, the poet put his personal feeling under the background of the May 4th Movement of 1919, and unconsciously expressed some modern tragic awareness, which is special in modern epic. 另一方面,诗人不自觉地将个人的情感体验融入到五四大背景下,使其创作表现出一种现代悲剧意识,在现代叙事诗中堪称独步。